Find Ancestor

The term 'find ancestor' may remind you of a lot of things. It may in fact, remind you of a few problems. Listed below, are some common problems that genealogists and genealogy aficionados face as they look for their ancestors. Below each problem is a ready solution that will turn your genealogy search into a more effective and a more rewarding endeavor.

The Ancestor Search - Problems and Solutions:

Problem 1: 'Find ancestor' may remind you that your current family tree has more 'genealogical gaps' than you can count. There is so much to be done, and you don't have the time to do it. What should you do?

Solution: Discover what has been done on your family tree already. with OneGreatFamily. OneGreatFamily offers access to one of the largest genealogical databases in the world.

OneGreatFamily however, is not a database made of individual members and individual family trees.  Each member of OneGreatFamily contributes to a common family tree.  This means that many of the thousands of OneGreatFamily members are most likely doing research on your family tree already!

Problem 2: 'Find ancestor' may remind you that finding ancestors takes research and research takes time-- too much time!

Solution: Remember that OneGreatFamily allows you to meet and collaborate with others.  Once you enter your family names information, OneGreatFamily will automatically search its database for possible ancestors.  Unlike other online genealogical Websites, OneGreatFamily sifts all of your results for you, so you know which results are most likely to fill the genealogical gaps on your family tree form.  Once your family tree has expanded, you can begin your research where others have left off.  OneGreatFamily is a family genealogy jump start!

Problem 3: 'Find ancestor' may also remind you of the limited family connections that you have already.  How can you find your ancient ancestors, when you are not aware of the family connections that you have today?

Solution: OneGreatFamily allows you to meet and collaborate with other OneGreatFamily members in order to find the family connections that you are missing.

Problem 4: 'Find ancestor' may remind you that it is difficult to search for ancestral names, even with the majority of genealogical Websites. Most Websites do not have access to the number of names necessary to produce significant search results that are actually related to your own family tree.

Solution: OneGreatFamily allows you to search millions of names, and will notify you of search results that are likely to be related to your own genealogy research.

Problem 5: 'Find ancestor' may remind you of the typical genealogy software solutions, which do not allow you to see more than a few names at a time on your family tree.

Solution: With OneGreatFamily, you can see your entire family tree chart at once. And, it's easy to edit your tree!

Problem 6: 'Find ancestor' may also remind you that most computer programs and genealogical software require that you go to a genealogical center or a specific location in order to perform edits on your family tree.

Solution: Thanks to the Internet and OneGreatFamily, you can edit and view your data anytime, and from almost anywhere!

Problem 7: 'Find ancestor' may remind you of the times when you have entered query after query into other genealogical Websites and received few if any results.

Solution: With OneGreatFamily, all you have to do is contribute your family tree information. Then, sit back and relax while OneGreatFamily searches for you. No more endless queries. Your pedigree chart will expand without exhausting amounts of search time!

Problem 8: 'Find ancestor' may also remind you that even with advanced technology, you are still concerned with the safety of your genealogical data.

Solution: OneGreatFamily safeguards your data, with frequent information backups. The term 'find ancestor' doesn't have to be frustrating anymore!

Ancestor Search

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